Gastrointestinal, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disorders (GHPD) Department
BIRDEM Gastroenterology and Hepatology service manages a range of conditions affecting the digestive tract liver and Pancreas. We provide a comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic services in both inpatients and outpatients.
- Acute and chronic viral hepatitis
- Fatty liver disease
- Alcoholic liver disease
- Drug-related liver injury
- Liver abscess
- Liver cirrhosis
- Obstructive jaundice
- Biliary tract disease such as stones
- Liver and biliary cancers
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease
- Peptic ulcer diseases
- Acute and chronic diarrhea
- Bleeding of the intestinal tract
- Functional bowel disease such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
- Acute and chronic Pancreatitis
- Pancreatic stone disease
- Pancreatic cancer
Professor Dr Tareq M Bhuiyan MBBS, FCPS (Med) Professor and Head Dept. of GHPD, BIRDEM Hospital Chamber: BIRDEM Specialist Chamber Complex, Level 2, Room 5 Day: Saturday to Thursday (Friday and govt holiday closed) Time: 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM |
Prof Dr AHM Rowshon MBBS, FCPS (Med), MD (Gastro) Professor of Gastroenterology Dept. Of GHPD, BIRDEM Hospital Chamber: BIRDEM Specialist Chamber Complex, Level 2, Room 5 Day: Sunday and Wednesday Time: 9:00 to 11:00 AM |
Dr Golam Azam MBBS, MD (Hepatology) Associate professor and Head of Unit - ll Dept. of GHPD, BIRDEM Hospital Chamber: BIRDEM Specialist Chamber Complex, Level 2, Room Day: Saturday to Thursday (Friday and govt holiday closed) Time: 3:00 to 6:00 PM |
DR Indrajit Kumar Datta MBBS, FCPS (Med), MD (Gastro) Associate Professor Dept. of GHPD, BIRDEM Hospital |
Dr Abdullah Al Mamoon MBBS, MD (Gastro) Associate Professor Dept. of GHPD, BIRDEM Hospital |
Dr Shireen Ahmed MBBS, MD (Gastro), FCPS (Gastro) Assistant Professor Dept. of GHPD, BIRDEM Hospital |
Dr Sarker Mohammad sajjad MBBS, FCPS (Med), MRCP.UK Assistant Professor Dept. of GHPD, BIRDEM Hospital |
Dr Arif Mahmud MBBS, MRCP.UK Registrar Dept. Of GHPD, BIRDEM Hospital |
This department provides excellent and unique services related to gastrointestinal, pancreatic and hepatobiliary disorders in the country. It is the largest unit of this hospital and tertiary referral center for patients from all over the country. It runs MD gastroenterology course since 1997. It regularly exercises research works.
- Outdoor services: GHPD department operates specialized outpatient services to around 50 patients daily by specialist Gastroenterologist / Hepatologist
- Indoor services: It provides services to 70 to 80 admitted patients daily
Endoscopy: Total number: 1560. Procedures: Endoscopy diagnostic, endoscopic control of ulcer bleeding, endoscopic polypectomy, sclerotherapy, band ligation of esophageal varices, endoscopic balloon dilatation of achalasia cardia, oesophageal metal stenting, S-G dilatation of esophagus and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy placement.
Colonoscopy: Total number: 447. Procedures: Colonoscopy diagnostic, colonoscopic polypectomy.
ERCP: Total number: 304. Procedures: ERCP diagnostic, ERCP and papillotomy, biliary ascariasis with worm extraction, ERCP and stone extraction, ERCP and stenting.
Others: Aspiration of liver abscess, liver biopsy.
Social services:Voluntary expert services to patients in all affiliated association of the Diabetic Association of Bangladesh all over the country.
Number of PG students:MD gastroenterogy Phase A -05; MD gastroenterogy Thesis Part and Phase B-5; Residents in 2019-20: 3
Name of Faculty Member |
Associate Professor: Md. GolamAzam, MD (Hepato)
Article in National Journals in 2021-22 |
1. |
Tanvir Ahmad, Shahinul Alam, Saiful Islam, Golam Azam, Mahabubul Alam, SKM Nazmul Hasan, Golam Mustafa, Motahar Hossain, Md. Akmat Ali, Mobin Khan. Position statement of Hepatology Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh on Management of acute variceal bleeding in a resource-limited setting. iLIVER1(4), December 2022, Pages 205-208. |
2. |
Shafiqul Islam AKM, Azam MG, Rahman A, Raihana T. Correlation between serum complement C3 andFIB4 index with stages of fibrosis of liver by fibroscan in NAFLD patients. J Com Med Col Teachers Ass Jan 2022;26(1):19-25. |
3. |
Sultana Parvin, Samiul Islam, Touhidul Karim Majumdar, Golam Azam, Shohidul Islam, Faruque Ahmed. Post-ERCP pancreatitis Frequency and risk stratification from four tertiary care referral hospitals in South East Asia. Medicine (2022) 101:34. |
Speaker in National Conference in 2021-22 |
Presented papers at the 32nd Annual Conference & International Scientific Seminar (19-21 May 2023) at Hotel Intercontinental, Dhaka. Awarded with 2 (Two) first prizes at this conference. |
Departmental publication in 2021-22
Name of Faculty Member |
Dr. Shireen Ahmed, Registrar, MD (Gastro), FCPS (Gastro) |
Article in international journals in 2021-22 |
2. |
Shireen Ahmed. Recurrence of choledocholithiasis following endoscopic clearance of bile duct. APDW- 2021, Kualalampur, Malaysia. Role of 4-H Serum Lipase Level in Predicting Postendoscopic retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Pancreatitis. Sultana Parvin, Md. Samiul Islam, Md. Golam Azam, Touhidul Karim Majumdar, Shireen Ahmed, Taslima Zaman, Rajib Dutta. International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | October-December 2021. |
Paper Accepted in International Conference in 2021-22 |
1. |
Shireen Ahmed. Recurrence of choledocholithiasis following endoscopic clearance of bile duct. APDW- 2021, Kualalampur, Malaysia. |
Speaker in International Conference in 2021-22 |
1. |
Attending Asia pacific digestive disease week 2021, Kualalampur, Malaysia and presentation of oral abstract and receive grant and participate pre-conference research workshop. |
We provide a wide range of endoscopic procedures to aid in the evaluation and management of abdominal pain, anaemia, GI bleeding, changes in bowel habits, gastro-intestinal cancer screening, etc.
- Upper GI Endoscopy
- Colonoscopy
- Endoscopic retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Clinical services
- Day care - In patient - Out patient
- Endoscopy of upper GIT - Endoscopy with sedation - Polypectomy - Sclerotherapy - Esophageal Band ligation (EVL) - Foreign body extraction - Haemostasis of ulcer bleeding - Haemostasis by hemoclip - Oesophageal Pneumatic dilatation - Oesophageal strictue dilatation - Oesophageal metal stenting - Duodenal Baloon dilatation - Nasojejunal intubation - PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy)
- Full Colonoscopy - Short Colonoscopy - Sigmoidoscopy - Polypectomy |
- ERCP diagnostic - ERCP with papillotomy - ERCP with stone extraction - ERCP with stone extraction by lithotripsy - ERCP with worm extraction - ERCP with stenting - ERCP with nasobiliary intubation - PTC (Percutaneous Transhepatic Chilangiography |
Meet Our Doctors

Gastrointestinal, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disorders (GHPD)
MBBS, FCPS (Medicine)
Medicine, Digestive System Liver Specialist
Professor and Head, Department of Gastroenterology.

Gastrointestinal, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disorders (GHPD)
Associate professor
Dr. Mohammad Golam Azam, a distinguished hepatologist was born on the 21st October 1969. He graduated as physician from Dhaka Medical College in 1994. He did his MD in Hepatology in 2004 at the then IPGM&R under the University of Dhaka, now Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University. In his illustrious career, he began his journey as researcher at BIRDEM hospital in 1995 in the field of viral hepatitis. He has keen interest in transplant immunology and obtained clinical training on liver transplantation at the world famous Kyoto University Japan. Currently he is working at the department of gastroenterology & hepatology at BIRDEM as Associate Professor. He is a senior member of Liver Transplant Team of BADAS. Dr. Azam is a member of a number of scientific and philanthropic organizations such as American Association for the Study of the Liver Disease (AASLD); Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL); European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL); Association for the Study of the Liver, Dhaka, Bangladesh (ASLDB); Hepatology Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Liver Foundation of Bangladesh; Bangladesh Gastroenterology Society.