Endocrinology & Diabetology Department
Department of Endocrinology
Head of the Dept, : Prof. Dr Md Feroz Amin, MBBS, MD (EM), FACE (USA)
Prof. Dr Md Feroz Amin.is in charge of unit I (Purple); Associate Prof Dr Faria Afsana is in charge of unit II (Blue)
Unit I (Purple) :
Professor & unit head : Dr Md Feroz Amin, MBBS, MD (EM), FACE (USA)
Assistant professor : Dr. Rushda Sharmin Binte Rouf, FCPS(Medicine), MD(EM), MACE (USA)
Registrar : Dr. Azimun Nessa Sheuly, FCPS (Medicine), Member,ACP ( USA)
Assistant Registrar : Dr. Tashrif –Ibn Aziz (RMO incharge)
Medical Officer : Dr. Sohali Hasan (RMO); Dr. Nazia Afrin Esha (RMO); Dr. SamiyaTasnim (RMO)
Unit II (Blue) :
Associate Professor & unit head : Dr Faria Afsana, MBBS, DEM, MD(EM),FACE(USA)
Professor : Prof.Md Faruque Pathan; MBBS, MD (EM), FACE (USA)
Assistant professor : Dr. Kazi Nazmul Hossain,FCPS(Medicine) MCPS(Medicine)
Registrar : Dr. Shahin Ibn Rahman,MBBS,MD(EM),
Assistant Registrar : Dr.Maisa MahazabinProme (RMO incharge)
Medical Officer : Dr Abdullah Al Parvez (SMO); Dr. FatemaTuz Zohra (RMO)
Endocrinology OPD
1.Dr.Mahbub Iftekhar (DCMO), DEM, MACE (USA)
2.Dr. Noor E Nazneen (DCMO),DEM, MACE (USA)
3.Dr. Lipika Sarkar (SMO), MBBS
Junior Health Educator:
Monami Islam Khan, Tarannuma Rahman
Among the medicine disciplines, Endocrinology has been one of the outstanding unit in this hospital. Over the years the unit has gained reputation for managing patients and has been able to place its identity as one of the best in this field of the country.
Along with these departmental activities Endocrinology department also supervises:
- Health Education Department.
Currently 50 doctors are working in BIRDEM OPD, among them 39 at morning and 11 at evening shift. On an Average 1000 patients take consultation from our OPD daily.
We arrange journal presentationand CME regularly for the OPD doctors.
Our health education department provide education to the diabetic patients both in outdoor and indoor basis. Two Doctor and Four health educators are working in this department. Daily around 200 patients take consultation from this department.
We provide regular training program for our health educators.
BIRDEM OPD and Health education department will submit their annual reports with more elaboration and separately
At present the department is involved in various clinical, academic and training activities actively as follows:
Indoor patients care:
We are treating diabetic patients with all type of complications including hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic emergency. Among the diverse endocrine disorder’s thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, reproductive, metabolic disorders are commonly encountered. Various endocrine emergency situations are also taken care of with special attention.
Outdoor Patient Care:
Six days a week outpatient clinic
1.specialist consultation center 210(6) -9 a.m to 11 a.m
2. Diabetes & Endocrinology OPD (room number 111) f-11 a.m to 1 pm.
Medical Officers:
Endocrine OPD (Room no-111)- 7.30AM to 2.00PM.
From July 2021 to June 2022 we have seen total 11450 patients in OPD (according to monthly report, data collected from biostatistics department)
Academic activities
Professor, Associate professor, Assistant professor and Registrar are responsible for lectures, tutorial & clinical classes of students of Ibrahim Medical College (undergraduate) and post graduate (Endocrinology & Metabolism) students of BIRDEM academy.
Presently MD & Diploma (Endocrinology & Metabolism) courses are running at BIRDEM academy under BSMMU. Intern doctors are placed in Endocrinology department for one week, we arrange classes and clinical training for them. Resident students of different discipline are also placed in Endocrinology department for training according to rotation schedule.
Morning Meeting: Daily admitted case discussion held from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m, and from 8:00 to 8:30 academic activities. All doctors of endocrinology department participate in daily academic activities as follows
Saturday: Topic presentation
Sunday: departmental case discussion
Monday: Case presentation
Wednesday: Journal presentation (involving both indoor and BIRDEM OPD doctors)
Tuesday central clinical meeting and Thursday medicine department clinical meeting are attended by all doctors.
We also arranged meeting with faculty members and assistant registrars daily at 1 pm to evaluate patient management.
Presentation, Seminar & Symposium in Endocrinology department:
A case of Hyperparathyroidism |
Dr. Tabassum Nisa |
A case of APS 2 |
Dr. TanjinaShamme |
A case of APS 2 |
Dr. Hasan Al Banna |
Approach to a patient with MEN |
Dr. Mita Dutta |
Approach to a pt with hypocalcemia |
Dr. Dr. Maliha Tabassum |
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus |
Dr. ParijatGosh |
Management of osteoporosis |
Dr. Parijat Gosh |
Thyroid storm |
Dr. Sumaiya |
Dynamic pituitary function test |
Dr. Dr. Asif Haider |
Approach to Hypoglycemia: |
Dr. Sumaiya |
Management of Obesity: |
Dr. Shafikul Islam |
Diabetic Ketoacidosis |
Dr. Sharmin Nahar |
Case presentation: iatrogenic cushing with adrenal insufficiency |
Dr. Javed Imran
Approach to a patient with autoimmune polyglandular syndrome: |
Dr.IsratRezwana |
Adrenal TB |
Dr. Ayesha Akhter Shefa |
A case with adrenal Histoplamosis |
Dr. Amir Hamza |
A case of PCOS |
Dr. Nazia Esha |
Hypothyroidism |
Dr.Asiful Islam |
Diabetic Neuropathy |
Dr. Asif Haider |
Evaluation of Short Stature |
Dr.Hafsa Hasan |
Case presentation: Adrenal insufficiency |
Dr.Soheli Hasan |
Management of DKA |
Dr.Maliha Tabassum |
Differenciated Thyroid Malignancy |
Dr. Hasan Al Banna |
Myxedema coma |
- Dr.FatemaTuz Zohra |
Iatrogenic adrenal insufficiency with cushingoid appearance – |
Dr. Tashrif –Ibn Aziz
Humalog 200IU/ml -initiation & switch |
Dr. Rushda Sharmin Binte Rouf |
Breakthrough in Diabetes care: Ertugliflozin |
Speaker: Dr. FariaAfsana |
Role of teriparatide in osteoporosis management |
Speaker: Dr. Parijat Ghosh Panel of Experts: Dr Md. Feroz Amin, Dr. Faria Afsana, Dr. Rushda Sharmin Binte Rouf |
CME on Management of peripheral neuropathy in diabetic patient. |
Speaker: Dr.Kazi Nazmul HossainExperts: Dr, Md. Feroz Amin Dr. Faria Afsana,, , Dr. Rushda Sharmin Binte Rouf |
Efficacy & Safety of intensive vs conventional insulin therapy in Mx of hyperglycemia |
Speaker: Dr. Sharmin, Experts: Dr, Md. Feroz Amin Dr. Faria Afsana, , Dr. Rushda Sharmin Binte Rouf, Kazi Nazmul Hossain |
Initiation & intensification of insulin |
Prof. Md. Faruque Pathan, Prof. SM Ashrafuzzaman |
DM and practical use of insulin. |
Prof. Md. Faruque Pathan, Prof. Ashrafuzzaman, Dr. FariaAfsana |
Diabetes update |
Dr. Rushda Sharmin Binte Rouf |
CME on Management of Diabetes in Ramadan: |
Asso. Prof Dr. Md. Ferozamin, Dr. Rushda Sharmin Binte Rouf |
CME on Basal Insulin. Speaker |
Dr. Rushda Sharmin Binte Rouf |
1.International Endocrine Conference: November 2021
- Participants: All doctors of Endocrine Dept.
- Speaker : Prof. Md. Faruque Pathan; Prof. Md, Feroz Amin; Asst. Prof. Faria Afsana
2. IDF congress, 2022: Participants: Associate Prof Dr. Faria Afsana; Prof Md Faruque Pathan
3. 51th Annual Conference of Endocrine Society of India. Speaker: Prof Md Feroz Amin
4.1st Diabetic foot symposium,2022. Participants: All doctors of Endocrine Dept. Speaker: Prof Md Feroz Amin; Asst. Prof. FariaAfsana
5. BES conference, 2021: Participants: All doctors of Endocrine Dept; Speaker: Prof Md Feroz Amin; Asst. Prof. Faria Afsana
MD/DIPLOMA question setter: Prof. Md, Feroz Amin, Associate Prof. FaiaA fsana, Assistant Prof Dr. Rushda Sharmin Binte Rouf, Assistant ProfessoDr. Kazi Nazmul Hossain
MD/DIPLOMA question moderation: By Prof. Md, Feroz Amin, Associate Prof. FaiaAfsana
Examination conduction by Endocrinology department:
- DEM: Clinical examination and OSPE
- MD (Endocrinology & Metabolism): Clinical & Practical
- MD (Endocrinology & Metabolism) : Thesis examination
Prof. Md. Faruque Pathan, Prof. Dr Md Feroz Amin, Dr. FariaAfsana conducted different Post Graduation clinical examination.
Log Book supervisor:
Prof. Dr Md Feroz Amin,Dr. FariaAfsana, Dr. RushdaSharminBinteRouf, Dr. Kazi Nazmul Hossain,Dr. Azimun Nessa Sheuly,Dr. Shahin Ibn Rahman
Trainee: Internee Doctors, Residency Doctors, Honorary Trainee Doctors, DEM Students & MD students.
Ongoing Dissertation/Thesis:
1. Frequency of newly detected hypothyroidism in Pregnancy: Dr Mita Dutta
2. Frequency of Hypothyroidism in IHD patient attending in a tertiary care hospital: Dr. Israt Rezwana
- Profile of serum calcium, magnesium and vitamin D in PCOS attending in a tertiary care hospital: Dr. Parijat Ghosh
- Thyroid status of newborns of Hypothyroid mothers- Dr Asif Haider
- Fetomaternal outcome among hypothyroid pregnant women attending in a tertiary care hospital -Dr. Shafikul Islam
- Salivary free cortisol in the diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency -Dr. TanjinaZannatShammi
- Efficacy of empagliflozin in fibrosis progression in NAFLD patient with type 2 DM- Dr. Javed Imran
- Prevalence &precipitationg factors of Hyperglycemic emmergency- experienced in a tertiary care hospital – Dr. Azimun Nessa Sheuly
- Assessment of erectile dysfunction in diabetes patients- Dr. Amir Hamza
- N Sultana ,Faria A , Yasmin A , Amin F , S Chowdhury et al. Precocious puberty : Diagnosis and Management Birdem Med J ;2022 ;12 (1;62-69)
- TonimaS , Mithila F , Palash C B , Feroz A , M M Zaman . Noncommunicable disease risk factors among the trainee doctors of a tertiary level diabetes hospital in Bangladesh . Lifestyle Med. 2021;e245.
- M Feroz A, BishajitB,RozanaR,MonamiI etal.Asssesmet of quality of life and its determinants in type 2 diabetes patients using the WHOQOL-BREF instrument in Bangladesh. BMC Endocrine disorders (2022) 22:162.
- Ullah MAIK, Khanam F, Ghosh P,RoufRSB,Amin MF. Malignant Hypercalcemia associated with ovarian dysgerminoma: a case report,Birdem Med J 2022;12(2):158-160.
- Hossain KN, Ashrafuzzaman SM, Pathan F, AminF, AfsanaF,Rouf RR Spectrum of adrenal disorders in a referral hospital of Bangladesh, BIRDEM Medical Journal, 2021
- Nessa A, Haque HF, Ahmed AKMS, Haque WMM, Afroze SR, Samad T, Rahman MR, Saha SK Diabetic myonecrosis: four-year experience of managing a rare disease in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh BIRDEM Med J 2022; 12(2): 147-151
Health Camp: Consultant of endocrinology are attending Monthly health camp of Diabetic Association of Bangladesh in different districts. But Due to covid situation online health camp was conducted.
Journal presentation:
Every Wednesday after clinical meeting Journal is presented by doctors of Endocrine Dept. and OPD as per prefixed schedule as follows
- Stroke management update
- Overweight & obesity Mx for primary care clinician-executive summery
- Efficacy & Safety of intensive vs conventional insulin therapy in Mx of hyperglycemia
- Oral semaglutide and cardiovascular outcome in patient with type 2 Diabetes
- Reduction in Glycated hemoglobin and daily insulin dose alongside circadian clock upregulation in patient with Type 2 Diabetes consuming a three meal Diet : A radomizes clinical trial.
- Preoperative mg therapy can prevent post parathyroidectomy hypocalcaemia.
- Topic- peri operative management of pheochromocytoma
- Effect of education and counseling for management of Diabetes mellitus.
- Once daily modified release hydrocortisone in patient with adrenal insufficiency
- Vitamin D deficiency: its role in health and diseases
- SGLT 2 inhibitors, cardiovascular outcome and mortality in type 2 Diabetes
- Empagliflozin and progressive kidney disease in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Vitamin D deficiency in over weight and obease
- Tirzapatide once weekly for tx of obesity
- Arise study: Ryzodeg initiation and switch effectiveness study
Meet Our Doctors

Endocrinology & Diabetology
MBBS(Dhaka), MD (EM)
Department of Endocrinology &
Director, Academy.

Endocrinology & Diabetology
Specialist in diabetes, thyroid and hormone diseases
Associate Professor and Unit-II Head
Department of Diabetes and Hormones.

Endocrinology & Diabetology
Additional Coordinator, Distance Learning Program (DLP)