
Urology Department

Department of Urology (Unit – I)

Professor and Head        :   Prof. Dr. ATM Mowladad Chowdhury, MBBS, MS (Urology), FCPS (Surgery), MRCS (Edinburgh), MRCPS (Glasgow)

Associate Professor       :    Dr. Shafiqur Rahman FCPS (Surgery), FCPS (Urology)

Registrar                         :    Dr. Mohammad Abdul Aziz FCPS (Urology)

Assistant Registrar         :    Dr. Md. Abu Faisal Chowdhury

Senior Medical Officer    :    Dr. Tanbir Al-Misbah


Service Provided

Indoor Services:

  1. Total number of admitted patients: 421
  2. Total number of treated patients: 903
  3. Renal Transplantation: 7
  4. Conservatively treated: 93
  5. Operations:
    1. Category A: 41
    2. Category B: 85
    3. Category C: 35
    4. Category D: 48
    5. Category E: 13
    6. Category F: 9
    7. Category G: 153
    8. Category H: 03
    9. Others: 43


Indoor consultation: 1905

Outdoor Services: 2122

Academic activities:

  1. All the doctors participated in monthly journal club, mortality-morbidity meeting and weekly surgical meeting on different surgical specialties after the normal activity resumed following improvement of covid situation.
  2. Senior Medical Officer achieved MS on Urology.
  3. Lectures, clinical classes of 3rd year, 4th year and 5th year students of Ibrahim Medical College and Dental College and MS, MD courses of BIRDEM Academy (both online & offline)by Consultants, Registrar.

Participation in National & International Conferences: BAUSCON 2021 Annual Conference (Hybrid) of the Bangladesh Association of Urological Surgeons.

Ongoing research activities:

  1. Urethral reconstruction by full thickness abdominal skin graft – our experience
  2. Emphysematous Pyelonephritis underwent surgical intervention – our experience

Department of Urology (Unit – II)

Senior Consultant                :     Professor ATM Mowladad Chowdhury   MBBS, FCPS (Surgery), MS (Urology), MRCS Ed, MRCPS (Glasgow)

Registrar (CC)                     :     Dr. Md Mohiur Rahman Khan, FCPS (Urology)

Assistant Registrar              :     Dr. Md. Obaidur Rahman         

Senior Medical Officer         :     Dr. Bakhtiar Ahmed FCPS (Surgery)

Resident Medical Officer     :     Dr. Montasir Chowdhury

Service Provided  

Indoor Services:

  1. Total number of admitted patients: 395
  2. Total number of treated patients: 805
  3. Renal Transplantation: 07
  4. Conservatively treated: 44
  5. Operations:
    1. Category A: 132
    2. Category B: 94
    3. Category C: 10
    4. Category D: 32
    5. Category E: 12
    6. Category F: 09
    7. Category G: 104
    8. Category H: 14
    9. Category F+A: 17
    10. Category G+A: 08
    11. Category G+B: 29
    12. Category H+A: 07
    13. Others: 56

Indoor consultation: 1124

Outdoor Services: 2258

Academic activities:

  1. All the doctors participated in monthly journal club, mortality-morbidity meeting and weekly surgical meeting on different surgical specialtiesafter the normal activity resumed following improvement of covid situation.
  2. Assistant registrar & all medical officers are Final FCPS Examinee.
  3. Lectures, clinical classes of 3rd year, 4th year and 5th year students of Ibrahim Medical College and Dental College and MS, MD courses of BIRDEM Academy (both online & offline) by Consultants, Registrar.

Participation in National & International Conferences:BAUSCON 2021 Annual Conference (Hybrid) of the Bangladesh Association of Urological Surgeons.

Ongoing research activities:

  1. Incidence and relationship of comorbidities with early complication and outcome of TURP.
  2. Recurrence of non-muscle invasive transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder following resection and intravasicalimmunetherapy.
  3. Management of stress urinary incontinence.
  4. Management of female urethral stricture with vaginal mucosal
  5. Outcome of Emphysematous Pyelonephritis in hospital stay.


Meet Our Doctors


Senior Consultant & Head of Department, Urology.
Urologist and Kidney Transplant Surgeon.

Hectolab With Awesome Colors