Cardiology Department
Cardiology Unit – I
Head of Department : Prof. Md. Zahid Alam MBBS, FCPS (Med)
Associate Professor : Dr. S. M. Rezaul Irfan MBBS, FCPS (Med)
Assistant Professor : Dr. Rubyat Hasan Chowdhury MBBS, MCPS (Med), FCPS (Med)
Assistant Registrar : Dr. Tojdikur Rahman MBBS
Medical Officers (Total -3) : Dr. Asif Anjum (MO) MBBS; Dr. Sumaiya Sikder (MO) MBBS; Dr. Nifat Nimmi (MO) MBBS
Cardiology Unit – II
Associate Professor : Dr. Shabnam Jahan Hoque MBBS, FCPS (Med), D Card
Assistant Professor : Dr. Tanvir Ahmed MBBS, MD (Cardiology)
Registrar : Dr. Shahnaz Sharmin (MO) MBBS, FCPS (Med)
Assistant Registrar : Dr. Tajnur Ahmed MBBS
Medical Officers (Total- 4) : Dr. Md.Masud Rana (SMO) MBBS; Dr. Abu Basit (SMO) MBBS; Dr. Mashukur Rahman (RMO) MBBS; Dr. Suraiya Sultana (RMO) MBBS
Coronary Care Unit
Medical Officers (Total – 8) : Dr. S.M. Tauhid Jamil (SMO) MBBS; Dr. Tasnia Sultana (RMO) MBBS; Dr. Ahsanul Haque Mridha (RMO) MBBS; Dr. Tamanna (RMO) MBBS; Dr. Rahat Mia (RMO) MBBS; Dr. Rahnuma Jahangir (RMO) MBBS Dr. Hasanat Nayem (RMO) MBBS; Dr. Majida Aziz (RMO) MBBS
Services Provided by the Department Inpatient facilities: No. of General Beds:Male Ward:12; Female Ward: 12; CCU:7; Cabins:on requirement; Daily average No. of patients Ward & Cabin: 25-30; CCU: 7; Daily Admission (average) Wards & Cabin: 3-5; CCU: 0-3; Daily Discharge (average) Ward: 5-8; CCU: 1-2; Indoor referral:Total:3595; Monthly average:310; Total No. of pt. admitted in Indoor: Wards & Cabins: 8379; CCU: 2318
Outpatient Services
Total No. patients seeking consultation in outpatient department: 5149 + 1933 = 7082; Average daily No. of patients attending the OPD: 30-35
Cardiac Investigations from July 2021 to June 2022
ECG (outpatient) 22010
ETT 486
Echocardiogram 13067
24 hrs Holter Monitoring 41
24 hrs ABP Monitoring 21
Social Services – Voluntary expertise services to the patients in the affiliated association of DAB all over the country through medical camps.
Services provided by the Cardiology Department (Month wise) from July 2021 to June 2022:
Clinical Activity/Services Statement at a Glance (July 2021 – June 2022)
Academic Activities
- Weekly Clinical Meeting & Death Review – Every Saturday.
- Weekly Journal Club – Every Wednesday
- Biweekly CME/Small group discussion: Thursday
- Lecture and demonstration class on Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) course conducted by ICU, BIRDEM.
- Tutorial class, Lecture & clinical classes for 3rd – 5th year medical students of Ibrahim Medical College (IMC).
- Tutorial, Clinical & Lecture classes for MD/Diploma students of BIRDEM Academy.
- Lecture classes for students of Nursing college of BIRDEM
- Webinar group discussion about the impact of corona pandemic in cardiac patients
- Examiners: in different Undergraduate and Postgraduate examinations of different Universities and BCPS.
- Clinical Presentations in grand seminars of the hospital (Tuesday & Thursday).
- Research activities and Publications.
- Participations in National and International Seminars, Conferences and Congresses.
- Academic clinical cases in grand round (Every Monday)
- Presentations (At BIRDEM auditorium)
- Recurrent stroke due to Ventricular Aneurysm, Old MI, DM,HTN
- Granulomatosis with Polyangitis, AKI,UTI
- Marfan Syndrome, ACS
- DVT, Pulmonary Embolism, NSTEMI, Hemorrhagic stroke, DM, HTN
- Multiple Myeloma. Sick Sinus Syndrome
- Pulmonary Embolism, Pneumonia, Sepsis with DIC, Septic hip, Protein C deficiency, Hemothorax
- Case report of few academic cases.
- Journal club (In departmental class room)
- Valvular heart disease in Pregnancy
- Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
- Approach to a patient with Palpitation
- New drugs in treatment of Pulmonary hypertension
- MI with normal coronary artery
- Non cardiac causes of raised Troponin I
- Hypertensive heart failure
- Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
- Newer drug in Refractory heart failure
- Investigation in Pulmonary Embolism
- Newer Anticoagulant: Advantages and disadvantages
- Discussion on upcoming presentation (Tuesday and Thursday)
- Diastolic Dysfunction
- ECG findings in Posterior MI
- ECG changes in Electrolyte Imbalance
- IHD in pregnancy
- Post-partum Cardiomyopathy
- Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy
- Cardiac complication in Covid 19 and consequences.
- Latest cardiac topics published in different journal
- Research Activities
- Echocardiographic Evaluation of patients with Dilated cardiomyopathy: Incidence, age variation, Chamber enlargement, Ejection Fraction, Regurgitation and Pulmonary hypertension
- Echocardiographic assessment of respiratory variation of IVC diameter
- Evaluation of patients with Idiopathic Dilated cardiomyopathy: Incidence, Clinical feature, biochemical, ECG and Echocardiographic evaluation
- Cardiac manifestation in Covid19 infection
- Vitamin D level in patients admitted with Acute coronary syndrome with outcome
- Seminar & Symposiums attended At home :
- Webinar on “Early Morning BP Surge: Risks, Challenges & Management 02/07/21
- Webinar on B.E.S.T (Basal Empowers Stability across Time) in Range 02/07/21
- Management of Adult Congenital Heart Diseases, 09/07/21
- Tri-Nation summit on “SGLT2 inhibitors: Cardiovascular & Heart Failure Update” 11/07/21
- Role of Anticoagulation in Covid -19 Management 16/07/21
- Webinar on Carotid Artery Diseases, 16/07/21
- Diabetic Kidney Diseases & Kidney-Heart Cross Talk 16/07/21
- South Asia Heart Failure Update Forum , 30/07/21
- CT Scan &MRI in Congenital Heart Disease, 30/07/21
- 4th International Conference on Cardiac Intervention & Heart Failure considering the Covid 19 Pandemic 31/07/2021
- Webinar on Hyperglycemia in hospital settings -General considerations & Management of Hyperglycemia in non-critical hospitalized patients 14/08/21
- A new era in diabetes management 15 /08 /21
- Management of Diabetes and Other Endocrine Diseases in Patients with Covid
- -19, 12/08/21
- Empagliflozin in the spectrum of Type2 Diabetes & Heart Failure 12/08/21
- Hyperglycemic crisis in Covid -19 and GDM 19/08/21
- Newer Developments in Covid Diagnosis & treatment - Role of Antibody Cocktail Therapy, 21/08/21
- Monoclonal Antibody Current Position and Experience Sharing 22/08/21
- European Society of Cardiology Congress 29-31/08/21
- Updates on Diabetes 30/08/21
- CT Scan &MRI in Congenital Heart Disease, 30/07/21
- Webinar on DKA-A Life threatening complication of DM & HHS-Basics &Differentiating from DKA 31/08/2021
- Use of Alteplase in special clinical condition 06/09/21
- Webinar of Bifurcation Club 10/09/2021
- Empagliflozin as a Potential therapy for Heart Failure 18 /09 /21
- Thrombolysis in STEMI Management ;Present, Past &Future,24/09/2021
- ECG Basic & Beyond,26/09/2021
- Webinar on World Heart Day 29/09/2021
- Webinar on Antiphospholipid Syndrome ,01/10/2021
- Webinar on “South Asia: Heart Failure Update Forum , 08/10/2021
- Approach to Pediatric Echocardiography: Segmental Analysis ,14/10/2021
- Medical Management of Angina & Myocardial Ischemia: How Trimetazidine helps through energy metabolism, 20/10/2021
- Webinar on Acute Rheumatology , Series-5, 22/10/2021
- Webinar on Antiphospholipid Syndrome ,01/11/2021
- Webinar on HFpEF: what more we should know, 07/11/2021
- World’s 1st approved oral anti-covid medicine –Molnupiravir ,13/11/2021
- World Diabetes Day cross talk on- Impact of Empagliflozin in T2DM & Beyond 14/11/2021
- CPD lecture under BCPS, 23/11/2021
- 6th International Hepatology Conference, 25/11/2021
- BIT Scientific Symposium STEMI & Heart Failure, 26/11/2021
- Monthly webinar of Bangladesh Cardiac Society{ Management protocol of STEMI, 29/11/2021
- Webinar on HFpEF: what more we should know ,09/12/2021
- 31st Annual Conference & International Scientific Seminar 10-11 th December
- , Hotel Intercontinental, Dhaka, Dhaka Club
- Webinar of Bifurcation Club Bangladesh : 10/12/2021
- Tips & Tricks of Bifurcation lesion PCI ,10/12,21
- Empagliflozin across the spectrum of ejection fraction of heart failure: Landmark findings from EMPEROR Trials , 17/12/2021
- Bangla Cardio 2021, 17/12/21
- ECG Basic & Beyond, 19/12/21
- ECG Basic & Beyond, 26/12/21
- Paxovir for Covid-19 -What every frontliner needs to know 08/01/2022
- Real World Update in Covid -19 Management: Outcome with use of Antibody Combination. 12/01/2022
- Webinar of Bifurcation Club Bangladesh : 16/01/2022
- Translating different doses of Dulaglutide into Type 2 Diabetes clinical practice 18/01/202
- Clinical Development of Empagliflozin in Heart Failure: Evidence & Implications 27/01/2
- Entresto: New era in Heart Failure,27/01/2022
- Webinar on Small vessel Vasculitis: An update 28/01/2022
- Antivirals For Covid-19-What every frontliner needs to know 05/02/2022
- Hypertension in Kidney Disease,11/02/2022
- Diabetes and low Testosterone: Treat or not to treat, 25/02/2022
- TEE Learning Webinar 25/02/2022
- International Scientific Conference 2022 (Bangladesh Intervention C3 Conference) 25-26/02/2022
- Normal ECG Variants in adults 27/02/202
- Pre Ramadan Diabetes Webinar on Ramadan, DM & Insulin: Clinical Perspectives 09/03/2022
- Scientific meeting on Diabetes And Ramadan 15/03/2022
- 2nd annual event on SCAI Complex PCI’s 24-25 March 2022
- ECG in ischaemia and Infarction13/03/2022
- South Asia: Heart Failure Update Forum, 25/03/2022
- T wave in ECG Basic and Beyond, 27/03/2022
- Transthoracic Echo like you have never seen before 30/03/2022
- Ramadan & Diabetes: Spotlight on DPP4 & SGLT2 Inhibitors 30/03/2022
- Scientific meeting on Diabetes 09/04/2022
- ECG in ischaemia and Infarction17/04/2022
- ST wave in ECG Basic and Beyond, 24/04/2022
- Scientific meeting on Diabetes Care. 09/05/2022
- Scientific Seminar on Fixed dose combination of Empagliflozin and Linagliptin: A blessing for diabetes care ,12/05/2022
- Scientific Seminar on World Hypertension Day ,15/05/2022
- 14th Scientific Seminar of Bangladesh Rheumatological Society , 22- 23/05/2022
- Live case demonstration from Cathlab- Complex PCI, 31//05/2022
- Scientific meeting on Diabetes Care. 09/06/2022
- South Asia : Diabetology Update Forum 10/06/22
- Webinar on Hypertension in Kidney Disease 15/06/2022
- SGLT2Is and their role in the burden of HFrEF &’ How can we incorporate SGLT2Is into Clinical Practice (+Patients case study), 24/06/22
- Common cases in ACS of online course’ECG Basic and Beyond 26/06/22
Meet Our Doctors

MBBS, FCPS (INTERNAL MEDICINE) Professor and Head, Department of Cardiology Specialist in diabetes, heart disease and medicine. Being a Professor and Head of the Dept, my duty is divided into 3 categories: Administrative, Academic, and Clinical. Administrative duty includes developing and updating various departmental policies, protocols, and procedures. Academic duty includes teaching junior doctors, undergraduate and postgraduate students; conduct, review, and guide medical research works; and other academic ctivities.Clinical duty includes look afterin-patient and out-patient unit, do the cardiological procedures, and act as a referral physician. My hobby is to study The Glorious Qur'an and authentic Hadiths. Apart from getting the perfect peace, I also get a clear answer of all the unsolved mysteries and unsolved questions.

MBBS, CCD (Diabetology), FCPS (Medicine)
Medicine, diabetes and cardiologist
Associate Professor, Department of Cardiology